
Hebrew For Dummies 9780764554896书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9780764554896
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2003-04
- 页数:384
- 价格:149.00
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:平装
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
One of the most amazing things about Hebrew is that, in less
than a century, it has gone from an ancient language of prayer and
ritual spoken by a few holy men to a modern language of sunbathing,
dining, going to the movies, and countless other everyday
activities, spoken by millions. Modern Hebrew is a beautiful
language, but for a native English speaker it can be tough wrapping
your tongue around exotic expressions like "Ha'im Ayn Oogiyot?"
("What, no cookies?"). As with any language, the quickest way to
master Hebrew basics is to immerse yourself in its sounds and
rhythms. The next best thing to six months in Haifa, "Hebrew For
Dummies" lets you do just that Whether you want to communicate with
your Israeli cousins, understand Jewish prayers and sacred
literature, impress your Jewish in-laws, or you're planning a trip
to Israel, this book/audio package can help. In no time, you'll:
Master Hebrew sounds and rhythms Understand basic grammar and usage
Get a handle on the Hebrew alphabet Make small-talk, and most
everyday transactions Discover the basics of Hebrew blessings and
prayer Gain insights into Hebrew culture and traditions Each
chapter of "Hebrew For Dummies" is organized around a specific set
of activities--such as eating, traveling, shopping, and asking
directions--and gives you the lowdown on all the Hebrew you'll need
to get by. Topics covered include: Eating, going shopping, having
fun, sports, hobbies, talking on the phone, communicating around
the office, and other everyday activities Hebrew for travelers,
including transportation, hotels, money changing, asking
directions, and handling emergencies Sacred Hebrew, including
reading the Bible and prayer books, blessing formulas, sacred rites
and services, and more The enclosed audio CD let's you pick up
Hebrew the easy way--through actual conversations. It features:
Dialogues by native Hebrew speakers Answers to the Fun and Games
activities in the book The fun, easy way to master basic Hebrew,
this book will quickly get you on track with the language skills
you need to speak and read Hebrew like a native.
Part I: Getting Started.
Chapter 1: You Already Know Some Hebrew.
Chapter 2: The Nitty Gritty: Basic Hebrew Grammar.
Chapter 3: Shalom, Shalom! Meeting and Greeting.
Part II: Hebrew in Action.
Chapter 4: Getting to Know You: Making Small Talk.
Chapter 5: Eat! Eat! You're So Thin!
Chapter 6: Going Shopping.
Chapter 7: Having Fun Hebrew Style.
Chapter 8: Enjoying Your Free Time: Hobbies, Sports, and Other Fun
Chapter 9: Talking on the Phone.
Chapter 10: At the Office and Around the House.
Part III: Hebrew on the Go.
Chapter 11: Planning a Trip.
Chapter 12: Getting Around: Flying, Driving, and Riding.
Chapter 13: Checking into a Hotel.
Chapter 14: Money, Money, Money.
Chapter 15: Where Is the Western Wall? Asking Directions.
Chapter 16: Handling Emergencies.
Part IV: Sacred Hebrew.
Chapter 17: Let's Get Biblical.
Chapter 18: Like a Prayer.
Chapter 19: Sacred Time, Sacred Space.
Part V: The
Part of Tens.
Chapter 20: Ten Ways to Pick Up Hebrew Quickly.
Chapter 21: Ten Books on Hebrew You Just Gotta Have.
Chapter 22: Ten Favorite Hebrew Expressions.
Chapter 23: Ten Great Israeli Phrases.
Chapter 24: The Ten Commandments in Hebrew. Appendix A: Verb
Tables. Appendix B: Mini--Dictionary. Appendix C: Answer Key.
Appendix D: On the CD. Index.
Jill Suzanne Jacobs is a Jewish educator and writer. She holds
a master of arts degree in Jewish education from Hebrew Union
College--Jewish Institute of Religion, a bachelor of arts degree in
history from UCLA, and has studied at a variety of institutions in
Israel, including the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She teaches
and writes in the Boston area, and is part of the editorial team of
MyJewishLearning.com, a comprehensive online resource exploring
Jewish religion, history, and culture produced by Hebrew College
and Jewish Family & Life! Media.
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One of the most amazing things about Hebrew is that, in less than a century, it has gone from an ancient language of prayer and ritual spoken by a few holy men to a modern language of sunbathing, dining, going to the movies, and countless other everyday activities, spoken by millions. Modern Hebrew is a beautiful language, but for a native English speaker it can be tough wrapping your tongue around exotic expressions like "Ha'im Ayn Oogiyot?" ("What, no cookies?"). As with any language, the quickest way to master Hebrew basics is to immerse yourself in its sounds and rhythms. The next best thing to six months in Haifa, "Hebrew For Dummies" lets you do just that Whether you want to communicate with your Israeli cousins, understand Jewish prayers and sacred literature, impress your Jewish in-laws, or you're planning a trip to Israel, this book/audio package can help. In no time, you'll: Master Hebrew sounds and rhythms Understand basic grammar and usage Get a handle on the Hebrew alphabet Make small-talk, and most everyday transactions Discover the basics of Hebrew blessings and prayer Gain insights into Hebrew culture and traditions Each chapter of "Hebrew For Dummies" is organized around a specific set of activities--such as eating, traveling, shopping, and asking directions--and gives you the lowdown on all the Hebrew you'll need to get by. Topics covered include: Eating, going shopping, having fun, sports, hobbies, talking on the phone, communicating around the office, and other everyday activities Hebrew for travelers, including transportation, hotels, money changing, asking directions, and handling emergencies Sacred Hebrew, including reading the Bible and prayer books, blessing formulas, sacred rites and services, and more The enclosed audio CD let's you pick up Hebrew the easy way--through actual conversations. It features: Dialogues by native Hebrew speakers Answers to the Fun and Games activities in the book The fun, easy way to master basic Hebrew, this book will quickly get you on track with the language skills you need to speak and read Hebrew like a native.
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