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Beyond Success书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780071496766
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-10
  • 页数:320
  • 价格:210.00元
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分



Book Description

You've worked hard to achieve financial success, and now you want to leave a legacy. You want to know how others like you have made a positive impact with their time and assets. You want to safeguard your money, help others, and do the best for your children-without ruining their motivation to make their own way in the world. But ultimately, you want your contributions to matter.

Beyond Success is the first thorough guide that assists individuals with the achievement of a meaningful and lasting financial, philanthropic, and generational family legacy. As a financial and philanthropic expert, Randall Ottinger combines his personal experiences in both fields with extensive research that draws on insights from hundreds of legacy leaders such as Bill Gates Sr., Jeff Brotman of Costco, and Sandy Weill of Citigroup, as well as thought leaders and advisors in the philanthropy and family wealth professions.

Ottinger reveals best practices and strategies you can adopt to:

• Turn money into a meaningful and fulfilling legacy

• Make wealth a positive force in your family

• Avoid the common pitfalls of family wealth transfers

• Prepare children for money

• Achieve social impact through “portfolio” philanthropy practices

• Preserve wealth, values, and enterprises across future generations

Ottinger develops a legacy planning framework to help translate your goals into measurable action steps for achieving the highest levels of personal fulfillment and social impact. He also provides insights into the latest trends in philanthropy, and examines the likely impact on the civil sector of the $100 trillion of wealth that is transferring from today's baby boomers to future generations.

From the Back Cover

How can you build a lasting legacy?

The journey begins with Beyond Success.

“More than any other book on the intersection of wealth, family, charity, and personal fulfillment, Randy Ottinger's Beyond Success convincingly illuminates the challenges faced by all who struggle with how best to transform their material success into lives that will bring personal fulfillment to themselves, their families, and their heirs, as well as benefit to the wider world around them. It provides an entirely new framework for thinking about how, at the prime critical junctions over a wealth-generator's lifetime, he or she can confidently deal with those challenges in ways that bring lasting satisfaction.

“In lucid and highly readable prose, informed by the wisdom and experiences of hundreds of real-life individuals, the names of many of whom are widely known, Ottinger has succeeded in producing the best available how-to-do-it playbook for those with any substantial amount of wealth who are grappling with some of the toughest questions anyone ever faces-how and how much to allocate to themselves, their spouses, and their children, as well as how, how much, and how best to devote to efforts that benefit society at large. This book proves that difficult challenges do not require complicated, complex, difficult-to-read manuals, but can be resolved by fresh, clear-headed, evidence-based ideas communicated in the simplest language. I recommend it with great enthusiasm.”-Joel L. Fleishman, author of The Foundation: A Great American Secret-How Private Wealth Is Changing the World, and Professor of Law and Public Policy, Duke University










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Book Description

You've worked hard to achieve financial success, and now you want to leave a legacy. You want to know how others like you have made a positive impact with their time and assets. You want to safeguard your money, help others, and do the best for your children-without ruining their motivation to make their own way in the world. But ultimately, you want your contributions to matter.

Beyond Success is the first thorough guide that assists individuals with the achievement of a meaningful and lasting financial, philanthropic, and generational family legacy. As a financial and philanthropic expert, Randall Ottinger combines his personal experiences in both fields with extensive research that draws on insights from hundreds of legacy leaders such as Bill Gates Sr., Jeff Brotman of Costco, and Sandy Weill of Citigroup, as well as thought leaders and advisors in the philanthropy and family wealth professions.

Ottinger reveals best practices and strategies you can adopt to:

• Turn money into a meaningful and fulfilling legacy

• Make wealth a positive force in your family

• Avoid the common pitfalls of family wealth transfers

• Prepare children for money

• Achieve social impact through “portfolio” philanthropy practices

• Preserve wealth, values, and enterprises across future generations

Ottinger develops a legacy planning framework to help translate your goals into measurable action steps for achieving the highest levels of personal fulfillment and social impact. He also provides insights into the latest trends in philanthropy, and examines the likely impact on the civil sector of the $100 trillion of wealth that is transferring from today's baby boomers to future generations.

From the Back Cover

How can you build a lasting legacy?

The journey begins with Beyond Success.

“More than any other book on the intersection of wealth, family, charity, and personal fulfillment, Randy Ottinger's Beyond Success convincingly illuminates the challenges faced by all who struggle with how best to transform their material success into lives that will bring personal fulfillment to themselves, their families, and their heirs, as well as benefit to the wider world around them. It provides an entirely new framework for thinking about how, at the prime critical junctions over a wealth-generator's lifetime, he or she can confidently deal with those challenges in ways that bring lasting satisfaction.

“In lucid and highly readable prose, informed by the wisdom and experiences of hundreds of real-life individuals, the names of many of whom are widely known, Ottinger has succeeded in producing the best available how-to-do-it playbook for those with any substantial amount of wealth who are grappling with some of the toughest questions anyone ever faces-how and how much to allocate to themselves, their spouses, and their children, as well as how, how much, and how best to devote to efforts that benefit society at large. This book proves that difficult challenges do not require complicated, complex, difficult-to-read manuals, but can be resolved by fresh, clear-headed, evidence-based ideas communicated in the simplest language. I recommend it with great enthusiasm.”-Joel L. Fleishman, author of The Foundation: A Great American Secret-How Private Wealth Is Changing the World, and Professor of Law and Public Policy, Duke University



































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