
Selling Real Estate Services: Third-Level Secrets Of Top Producers房地产顶级中介的第三级秘诀书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9780470375969
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2008-10
- 页数:208
- 价格:223.50
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:精装
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
"Selling Real Estate Services shows you how to stop being a vendor and start being a partner. Bob Potter's Third-Level concept will help you win more, have more fun, and build greater client loyalty. It's a playbook for success."
"It's not just about selling; it's about winning. Just in time for one of the most competitive markets in a generation. Be prepared to win."
"Bob Potter's Third-Level Selling offers a progressive, advanced approach to building trust, demonstrating value, and winning. Whether you are new to real estate or a seasoned veteran, it will take your career to the next level."
"Business development never stops for successful real estate companies. Bob Potter gets it, and his simple strategies and techniques can be implemented immediately across a sales-oriented organization. This book is a gem."
"Rarely do books capture the essence of success in our industry. Third-Level Selling helps one understand how you build long-term committed relationships with clients. This book is a road map to becoming a top producer; I only hope that my competition doesn't read it!"
PART Ⅰ: It’s About Winning: Why You?
Airbag versus Differentiator.
Chapter 1 Third-Level Selling.
Vendor Differentiation versus Client Differentiation.
Level 1: Vendors Pitch (Airbags).
Level 2: Preferred Providers Position Their Offering Against the Competition’s.
Third-Level Selling: Strategic Partners Differentiate on the Client.
Deliberate Practice: Are Great Sales People Born or Made?
Deliberate Practice for Third-Level Selling.
Chapter 2 How (and Why) Clients Choose You.
How Clients Choose You.
Client Differentiators.
Vendor Differentiators.
Standard Life Investments Real Estate (SLIRE) Example.
Pick Your Battles.
Deliberate Practice: How (and Why) Clients Choose You.
Chapter 3 Navigating From Vendor (Level 1) to Preferred Provider (Level 2).
Search Phase: Level 1 - Pitch to Get Invited!
Screening Phase: Level 2 - Position versus Competition.
Position Difference, Preference, and Proof.
Harvesting Specific Testimonials.
Rank as Proof.
Experience Is Simply the Name We Give Our Mistakes. (Oscar Wilde).
Best Outcome.
Congratulations! You Made the Short List of Preferred Providers.
Deliberate Practice: From Vendor to Preferred Provider.
PART Ⅱ: Third Level: From Preferred Provider to Chosen Partner.
Client Eyes.
Deliberate Practice: Third-Level Client Profile.
Chapter 4 Accelerating Personal Relationships.
Find Common Ground to Accelerate Relationships.
The Relationship Game: Three to Five Questions to Uncover “Amazing Stories”.
Deliberate Practice for Accelerating Relationships.
Chapter 5 Accelerating Professional Relationships.
“We Research the Hell Out of Them”.
Raise the Flashlight.
What’s Changed? The Ultimate Strategic Question.
Looking for CID.
Give-and-Take Questions.
Gaining Agreement to Explore Solutions.
Deliberate Practice to Accelerate Professional Relationships.
Chapter 6 Finding Project/Property Difference.
“Our Brokers Need to Know our Buildings Better Than We Do.”
“Because You Didn’t Ask”.
Start the Project before the Mandate.
Deliberate Practice: Project/Property Differentiation.
Chapter 7 Finding and Aligning to Client Preferences.
Previous Experience.
Educating Client Concerns.
What Could Go Wrong?
Client Visions.
Your Competition.
Unhooking an Incumbant Competitors.
Deliberate Practice: Finding Differences in Client Preferences.
Chapter 8 Finding and Aligning to the Client’s Decision Process.
Deliberate Practice: Find and Align to the Decision Process.
Chapter 9 Third-Level Proposals and Presentations.
From Vendor-centric to Client-centric.
Third-Level Presentations Are Client-centric.
Deliberate Practice: Third-Level Proposals and Presentations.
Chapter 10 Pricing and Third-Level Negotiation.
We Lost on Price?
“Who Would You Choose If Prices Were The Same?”
Third-Level Negotiating.
Deliberate Practice: Pricing and Third-Level Negotiation.
PART Ⅲ: Winning without Competition.
Chapter 11 Third-Level Client Satisfaction.
Highly Satisfied (versus Satisfied) Clients Twice as Loyal.
Take Care of It (Satisfied) and Take Care of Me (Highly Satisfied).
Referral: The Best Measure.
Client Advocates: Taking Care of You.
Deliberate Practice: Delighting Clients.
Chapter 12 Winning in the Invisible Market.
Invisible Market Danger: Unqualified Clients.
Does This Client Have the Problems You Solve?
Finding and Aligning to the Service Decision.
Deliberate Practice: Winning in the Invisible Market.
Chapter 13 Managing Third-Level Selling Skills.
Track Performance Metrics to Drive Third-Level Best Practices.
Coaching Results Not Just Behavior.
Call Preparation and Momentum Recommendations.
Call Review and Diagnostics.
Presentations and Recommendations.
Chapter 14 Final Thoughts.
Get with Clients.
Enlightened Self-Interest.
Appendix 1: BCCI Value Proposition.
Appendix 2: Company Message Acceleration Example.
Appendix 3: Client Profile.
Appendix 4: Client Profile with Questions.
About the Author.
Robert A. Potter is a commercial real estate sales and strategy speaker, trainer, and consultant. His clients include many of the best-known real estate service firms.
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Praise for Selling Real Estate Services "Selling Real Estate Services shows you how to stop being a vendor and start being a partner. Bob Potter′s Third–Level concept will help you win more, have more fun, and build greater client loyalty. It′s a playbook for success."
—Roger T. Staubach, Executive Chairman for the Americas, Jones Lang LaSalle, and founder of The Staubach Company "It′s not just about selling; it′s about winning. Just in time for one of the most competitive markets in a generation. Be prepared to win."
—Robert A. Ortiz, Executive Managing Director – U.S. Operations, Cushman & Wakefield Inc. "Bob Potter′s Third–Level Selling offers a progressive, advanced approach to building trust, demonstrating value, and winning. Whether you are new to real estate or a seasoned veteran, it will take your career to the next level."
—Craig Robbins, Chief Knowledge Officer, Colliers International "Business development never stops for successful real estate companies. Bob Potter gets it, and his simple strategies and techniques can be implemented immediately across a sales–oriented organization. This book is a gem."
—Tom Donnelly, President and COO, ValleyCrest Landscape Development "Rarely do books capture the essence of success in our industry. Third–Level Selling helps one understand how you build long–term committed relationships with clients. This book is a road map to becoming a top producer; I only hope that my competition doesn′t read it!"
—Dan Winey, Managing Principal, Gensler
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