
DEATH ON THE BARRENS(ISBN=9781556438820) 英文原版 kindle pdf 115盘 snb chm 下载 免费 mobi



DEATH ON THE BARRENS(ISBN=9781556438820) 英文原版书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9781556438820
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-04
  • 页数:281
  • 价格:54.70
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


  Set in the remote arctic region of Northern Canada, this book

takes readers on a harrowing canoe voyage that results in tragedy,

redemption, and, ultimately, transformation. George Grinnell was

one of six young men who set off on the 1955 expedition led by

experienced wilderness canoeist Art Moffatt. Poorly planned and

executed, the journey seemed doomed from the start. Ignoring the

approaching winter, the men became entranced with the peace and

beauty of the arctic in autumn. As winter closed in, they suddenly

faced numbing cold and dwindling food. When the crew is swept over

a waterfall, Moffatt is killed and most of the gear and emergency

food supplies destroyed. Confronting freezing conditions and near

starvation, the remaining crew struggled to make it back to

civilization. For Grinnell, the three-month expedition was both a

rite of passage and a spiritual odyssey. In the Barrens, he lost

his sense of identity and what he had been conditioned to think

about society and himself. Forever changed by the experience, he

unsparingly describes how the expedition influenced his adult life

and what powerful insights he was able to glean from this

life-altering experience.




  George Grinnell taught the history of science and intellectual

history at McMaster University in Ontario from 1967 to 1991. He

currently teaches meditation classes and lives in Cape Breton, Nova

Scotia. Artist Roderick MacIver is the founder of Heron Dance, a

nonprofit organization that celebrates the human connection to

nature through art and words.






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  “Judges, such as this reviewer, are often asked to evaluate

the veracity and credibility of distant accounts of misadventure

culminating in a death. No one who reads this story should

entertain any doubt as to the scrupulous accuracy of this

narrative, which chronicles the author's 1955 journey through the

Canadian arctic with four friends. Bad planning left them without

food or adequate warmth as winter closed in, and the group leader

eventually died of hypothermia. Although the account reminds one of

Farley Mowat's adventure novel, Lost in the Barrens, not to mention

James A. Michener's Journey: A Novel, the detailed de*ions of

the sensations endured by the writer, the haunting and evocative

images he sets forth with poetic grace and erudite references, and

the harrowing emotional roller-coaster he experienced in 1955—and

every year since—leaves no doubt as to the fidelity of this

first-person story of exploration, adventure and tragedy. VERDICT

Superbly illustrated, this work represents the best that human kind

and nature have to offer: courage, beauty and the challenge to

survive. Recommended for all readers of true adventure or


  —Library Journal starred review, Gilles Renaud, Ontario Court of



  “Death on the Barrens is a must read for anyone who has seriously

considered entering absolute wilderness, and for those who already

know a step off the grid into a place like the Barrens can have a

profound impact that reverberates through the rest of one’s


  —Cary J. Griffith, author of Lost in the Wild: Danger and

Survival in the North Woods


  “… [The] three-month canoe trip across the uninhabited Canadian

Barrens takes George Grinnell to the lip of the abyss that

separates sanity from insanity and life from death. And it is his

firsthand exploration of this uncertain edge that provides the

profound insights that makes this a most powerful and unique


  —George Luste, from the Introduction


  “A finely wrought distillation of half of a century spent looking

for an explanation where none perhaps exists. Death on the Barrens

tells of many deaths in an austere and unforgiving land of

imponderable majesty where sentience extends far beyond human


  —Farley Mowat, legendary author of People of the Deer and Never

Cry Wolf


  “A nice combination of struggling against nature and

self-realization, this short book was enjoyable and


  —The Philbrick-James Forum


  “George James Grinnell brings tragedy of Into the Wild and the

philosophy of the poets to his non-fiction account of a three-month

pleasure trip by canoe and portage across the Canadian Barrens in

1955… Death on the Barrens meditates on beauty, loneliness, and the

meaning of life while roaring down the rapids or battling the black

flies or trying to outwait a blizzard without freezing to death in

a ripped tent. It is a clear statement of our need for belief in

something more than ourselves.”

  —Read, Write, Laugh, Rewrite with Eileen Granfors


  “This was an excellent memoir. For the outdoor and nature types I

recommend [Death on the Barrens] highly. George, referring to

himself as Jim in the book, tells us a heart wrenching and

harrowing journey of six men through the Barrens… Not only is the

adventurous side of the story told, but the spiritual experience of

being out in the wilderness is explained. This was an intense


  —The Cajun Book Lady


  “In these pages, you will learn how time and a doomed escapade

into the Barrens can change a man…how marvelous and wonderful

nature can be and how it can also be your worst enemy… The author’s

de*ions and recollections help to bring this powerful novel to

life… [Death on the Barrens is] a very powerful and intelligently

written memoir about the 1955 canoeing expedition which took the

life of one man and changed the souls of the others.”



  “Despite all of the obstacles in the book, the absolute honesty

of the author shines through providing a tiny little ray of hope in

his bleak world… Death on the Barrens is beautifully written…this

book will keep you interested until the very end.”

  —The Book Buff


  “Grinnell's account affects the reader on several levels. He

details the practical side of the trip...the physical exertion of

canoeing and portaging; the exhilaration of shooting rapids; the

camaraderie of the men; the psychological signs of suspicion,

paranoia, and even questions of sanity...there's also a spiritual

element... Grinnell quotes literature, poetry, *ure, Zen koans

and Indian legend. The writing is very nice, and at times even


  —The Record-Courier


  “While the canoeists' trip could be critiqued—inadequate food,

too many days spent relaxing during good traveling weather—Grinnell

does not place blame. Instead, he remembers how their leader took

them ‘to a place of peace’ and ‘a time when my fears had been

elevated through beauty into awe, when my vanity had been

transformed by awe into love, and when love had bathed my soul in

the waters of eternal peace.’ For that he experienced starvation,

frostbite, and near-drowning… Yet though Grinnell admits to being

lost in despair at times, this is a book of recovery and


  —Southern Rockies Nature Blog


  “[Grinnell] tells this story with amazing poise, instantly

drawing the reader in. One can almost feel the mist of the river

and the bumping of the rapids, and later the cold and hunger. There

is a lot of emotion caught within these pages. Add the stunning

watercolors that help to break up the book and you have a true


  —Reading for Sanity


  “[In the Canadian Barrens, George James Grinnell] revels in the

pristine vistas devoid of man while vacillating between fear of

dying and awe. Eventually he feels himself disappearing into the

landscape, just another caribou in the food chain. Death on the

Barrens is a fascinating glimpse at the actions of six men when

they have nothing left to confront but themselves.”

  —Sheri, Village Books


  “I am crazy about survivalist books; Into the Wild (this book

completely changed the course of my life), Into Thin Air, Alive,

etc… Death on the Barrens is just as captivating a read. Six men

plan to traverse the Canadian arctic on canoes and seem to become

spellbound with the beauty and lulled into relaxing in the

wilderness rather than hurrying to beat the oncoming winter.”

  —Jennifer Salita, Midwestern Days


Set in the remote arctic region of Northern Canada, this book takes readers on a harrowing canoe voyage that results in tragedy, redemption, and, ultimately, transformation. George Grinnell was one of six young men who set off on the 1955 expedition led by experienced wilderness canoeist Art Moffatt. Poorly planned and executed, the journey seemed doomed from the start. Ignoring the approaching winter, the men became entranced with the peace and beauty of the arctic in autumn. As winter closed in, they suddenly faced numbing cold and dwindling food. When the crew is swept over a waterfall, Moffatt is killed and most of the gear and emergency food supplies destroyed. Confronting freezing conditions and near starvation, the remaining crew struggled to make it back to civilization. For Grinnell, the three-month expedition was both a rite of passage and a spiritual odyssey. In the Barrens, he lost his sense of identity and what he had been conditioned to think about society and himself. Forever changed by the experience, he unsparingly describes how the expedition influenced his adult life and what powerful insights he was able to glean from this life-altering experience.



































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