
The Search(ISBN=9781591841418)书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9781591841418
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2006-10
- 页数:336
- 价格:61.20
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:平装
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
From Publishers Weekly
Rather than write a book strictly about the rise of Google as a
business, technology journalist Battelle targets his research on
the concept of Internet search, beginning the book with a
discussion of an abstract idea he terms the "Database of
Intentions," defined as the sum total of all queries that pour into
search engines daily, revealing the intricacies and idiosyncrasies
of our culture. Though most of the book is devoted to the search
engine giant (which Battelle reports corners 51 percent of the
search engine market), the author also includes chapters on
"Search, Before Google" and the "Who, What, Where, Why, When. And
How (much)" of search. Battelle is at his best when describing the
creation of Google, especially through the yin-yang personalities
of its founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and in describing the
company's culture. Though Battelle's de*ions of Internet
search technology can get too technical for readers without a
computer science background, the book is a deeply researched and
nimbly reported look at how search has defined the Internet and how
it will continue to be a tremendous reflection of culture.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of
print or unavailable edition of this title.
From Booklist
Battelle, entrepreneur, writer, and academic, explores the
concept of search, one of the Internet's first useful services,
which adopted an actual business model in banner advertising. This
also is a book about the fabulous success of Google, which is at
the core of Battelle's research, but the book is broader in scope
than one company's story. We learn that the impact of search on our
culture is extraordinary--it could bring together the convergence
of television and personal computers and it could lead to the
creation of artificial intelligence. The author opens up our
perspective on the enormity of search and society's collective
click stream, the product of our online lives as played out across
Internet sites and private machines with e-mails recorded and
preserved, and although losing some privacy, we seek convenience,
service, and power. Battelle sees the search engines of the future
as intelligent agents and reference librarians holding all of human
knowledge. This is an excellent, thought-provoking book. Mary
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights
reserved --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable
edition of this title.
Walter Isaacson, CEO of the Aspen Institute; former editor of
Time; CEO of CNN; author of Benjamin Franklin: An American Life and
The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made
John Battelle has written a brilliant business book ... All
searchers should read it. --This text refers to an out of print or
unavailable edition of this title.
Seth Godin, author of All Marketers Are Liars and Purple
This book ought to be called 'The Answer.' As usual, John
Battelle delivers insightful, thought-provoking, and essential
reading. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable
edition of this title.
John Heilemann, author of Pride Before the Fall: The Trials of
Bill Gates and the End of the Microsoft Era
Nobody, and I mean nobody, has thought longer, harder, or smarter
about Google and the search business than John Battelle. --This
text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this
John Huey, editorial director, Time inc.
Battelle's figured out why search is so damned important... and
managed to turn the subject into a compelling analog story. --This
text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this
Mary Meeker, managing director and Internet analyst, Morgan
A must-read for anyone endeavoring to understand one of the most
important trends of this generation. --This text refers to an out
of print or unavailable edition of this title.
L. Gordon Crovitz, Dow Jones
A terrific book. --This text refers to an out of print or
unavailable edition of this title.
JOHN BATTELLE is a cofounding editor of Wired and the founder
of The Industry Standard, as well as TheStandard.com. He is
currently program chair for the Web 2.0 conference, a columnist for
Business 2.0, and the founder, chairman, and publisher of Federated
Media Publishing, Inc.
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If you pick your books by their popularity--how many and which
other people are reading them--then know this about The Search:
it's probably on Bill Gates' reading list, and that of almost every
venture capitalist and startup-hungry entrepreneur in Silicon
Valley. In its sweeping survey of the history of Internet search
technologies, its gossip about and analysis of Google, and its
speculation on the larger cultural implications of a Web-connected
world, it will likely receive attention from a variety of
businesspeople, technology futurists, journalists, and interested
observers of mid-2000s zeitgeist.
This ambitious book comes with a strong pedigree. Author John
Battelle was a founder of The Industry Standard and then one of the
original editors of Wired, two magazines which helped shape our
early perceptions of the wild world of the Internet. Battelle
clearly drew from his experience and contacts in writing The
Search. In addition to the sure-handed historical perspective and
easy familiarity with such dot-com stalwarts as AltaVista, Lycos,
and Excite, he speckles his narrative with conversational asides
from a cast of fascinating characters, such Google's founders,
Larry Page and Sergey Brin; Yahoo's, Jerry Yang and David Filo; key
executives at Microsoft and different VC firms on the famed
Sandhill road; and numerous other insiders, particularly at the
company which currently sits atop the search world, Google.
The Search is not exactly the corporate history of Google. At the
book's outset, Battelle specifically indicates his desire to
understand what he calls the cultural anthropology of search, and
to analyze search engines' current role as the "database of our
intentions"--the repository of humanity's curiosity, exploration,
and expressed desires. Interesting though that beginning is,
though, Battelle's story really picks up speed when he starts
dishing inside scoop on the darling business story of the decade,
Google. To Battelle's credit, though, he doesn't stop just with
historical retrospective: the final part of his book focuses on the
potential future directions of Google and its products'
development. In what Battelle himself acknowledges might just be a
"digital fantasy train", he describes the possibility that Google
will become the centralizing platform for our entire lives and
quotes one early employee on the weightiness of Google's potential
impact: "Sometimes I feel like I am on a bridge, twenty thousand
feet up in the air. If I look down I'm afraid I'll fall. I don't
feel like I can think about all the implications."
Some will shrug at such words; after all, similar hype has
accompanied other technologies and other companies before. Many
others, though, will search Battelle's story for meaning--and fast.
--Peter Han --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable
edition of this title.
Walter Isaacson, CEO of the Aspen Institute; former editor of
Time; CEO of CNN; author of Benjamin Franklin: An American Life and
The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made
John Battelle has written a brilliant business book ... All
searchers should read it. --This text refers to the Hardcover
Seth Godin, author of All Marketers Are Liars and Purple
This book ought to be called 'The Answer.' As usual, John
Battelle delivers insightful, thought-provoking, and essential
reading. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
John Heilemann, author of Pride Before the Fall: The Trials of
Bill Gates and the End of the Microsoft Era
Nobody, and I mean nobody, has thought longer, harder, or smarter
about Google and the search business than John Battelle. --This
text refers to the Hardcover edition.
John Huey, editorial director, Time inc.
Battelle's figured out why search is so damned important... and
managed to turn the subject into a compelling analog story. --This
text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Mary Meeker, managing director and Internet analyst, Morgan
A must-read for anyone endeavoring to understand one of the most
important trends of this generation. --This text refers to the
Hardcover edition.
L. Gordon Crovitz, Dow Jones
A terrific book. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture
The Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek Bestseller
Finalist for the Goldman Sachs/FT Business Book of the Year Award
What does the world want? According to John Battelle, a company that answers that questionin all its shades of meaningcan unlock the most intractable riddles of business and arguably of human culture itself. And for the past few years, thats exactly what Google has been doing. But The Search offers much more than the inside story of Googles triumph. Its a big- picture book about the past, present, and future of search technology and the enormous impact its starting to have on marketing, media, pop culture, dating, job hunting, international law, civil liberties, and just about every other sphere of human interest. BACKCOVER: The Search is a superb story, well written and feverishly researched. Whether you are a student, techie, business executive, budding visionary or just enjoy pop culture, this is a book not to be missed.
USA Today
John Battelle is Silicon Valleys Bob Woodward. One of the founders of Wired magazine, he has hung around Google for so long that he has come to be as close as any outsider can to actually being an insider.The result is a highly readable account of Googles astonishing rise.
The Economist
Its a fascinating story, and Mr. Battelle tells it well.
The Wall Street Journal
A surprisingly gripping story The Search yields impressive results, pairing a reportorial eye for detail with an evangelical zeal to help readers understand the import of the search revolution.
Wired News
Battellemanages to keep things compelling, adding his own trenchant analysis about what Googles rapid evolution and powerful technology might mean for the company and our society as whole.
The Associated Press
A compelling glimpse of the search industrys early years.
Deeply researched and nimbly reported.
Publishers Weekly
London Review of Books
John Battelle has written a brilliant business book, but hes also done something more: hes used the amazing saga of Google to explore what it means to search. All searchers should read it.
Walter Isaacson, CEO of the Aspen Institute; former editor of Time ; former CEO of CNN
Nobody, and I mean nobody, has thought longer, harder, or smarter about Google and the search business than John Battelle. If you want to understand the rise of the search economy and culture, you need to read this book.
John Heilemann, author of Pride Before the Fall
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