
BUYING IN(ISBN=9781400063918) 英文原版 kindle pdf 115盘 snb chm 下载 免费 mobi



BUYING IN(ISBN=9781400063918) 英文原版书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9781400063918
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2008-06
  • 页数:320
  • 价格:76.20
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


“Fascinating … A compelling blend of cultural anthropology and

business journalism.” — Andrea Sachs, Time


“An often startling tour of new cultural terrain.” — Laura

Miller, Salon

“Marked by meticulous research and careful conclusions, this

superbly readable book confirms New York Times journalist

Walker as an expert on consumerism. … [A] thoughtful and unhurried

investigation into consumerism that pushes the analysis to the

maximum…” — Publisher’s Weekly (starred


Brands are dead. Advertising no longer works. Weaned on TiVo, the

Internet, and other emerging technologies, the short-attention-span

generation has become immune to marketing. Consumers are “in

control.” Or so we’re told.

In Buying In, New York Times Magazine “Consumed”

columnist Rob Walker argues that this accepted wisdom misses a much

more important and lasting cultural shift. As technology has

created avenues for advertising anywhere and everywhere, people are

embracing brands more than ever before–creating brands of their own

and participating in marketing campaigns for their favorite brands

in unprecedented ways. Increasingly, motivated consumers are

pitching in to spread the gospel virally, whether by creating

Internet video ads for Converse All Stars or becoming word-of-mouth

“agents” touting products to friends and family on behalf of huge

corporations. In the process, they–we–have begun to funnel

cultural, political, and community activities through connections

with brands.

Walker explores this changing cultural landscape–including a

practice he calls “murketing,” blending the terms murky and

marketing–by introducing us to the creative marketers,

entrepreneurs, artists, and community organizers who have found a

way to thrive within it. Using profiles of brands old and new,

including Timberland, American Apparel, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Red

Bull, iPod, and Livestrong, Walker demonstrates the ways in which

buyers adopt products, not just as consumer choices, but as

conscious expressions of their identities.

Part marketing primer, part work of cultural anthropology,

Buying In reveals why now, more than ever, we are what we

buy–and vice versa.

Praise for Buying


“Walker … makes a startling claim: Far from

being immune to advertising, as many people think, American

consumers are increasingly active participants in the marketing

process. … [He] leads readers through a series of lucid case

studies to demonstrate that, in many cases, consumers actively

participate in infusing a brand with meaning. … Convincing.” —

Jay Dixit, The Washington Post

“Walker lays out his theory in well-written, entertaining detail.”

— Seth Stevenson, Slate

“Buying In delves into the attitudes of the global consumer

in the age of plenty, and, well, we aren’t too pretty. Walker

carries the reader on a frenetically paced tour of senseless

consumption spanning from Viking ranges to custom high-tops.” —

Robert Blinn, Core77

“Rob Walker is one smart shopper.” — Jen Trolio,


“The most

trenchant psychoanalyst of our consumer selves is Rob Walker. This

is a fresh and fascinating exploration of the places where material

culture and identity intersect.”

–Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food

“This book has vast social implications, far beyond the fields of

marketing and branding. It obliterates our old paradigm of

companies (the bad guys) corrupting our children (the innocents)

via commercials. In this new world, media-literate young people

freely and willingly co-opt the brands, and most companies are

clueless bystanders desperate to keep up. I really don't know if

this is good news or bad news, but I can say, with certainty, that

this book is a must-read.”

–Po Bronson, author of What Should I Do with My


“Rob Walker is a gift. He shows that in our shattered, scattered

world, powerful brands are existential, insinuating themselves into

the human questions ‘What am I about?’ and ‘How do I connect?’ His

insight that brand influence is becoming both more pervasive and

more hidden–that we are not so self-defined as we like to

think–should make us disturbed, and vigilant.”

–Jim Collins, author of Good to Great

“Rob Walker is a terrific writerwho understands both human

nature and the business world. His book is highly entertaining, but

it’s also a deeply thoughtful look at the ways in which marketing

meets the modern psyche.”

–Bethany McLean, editor at large, Fortune, and co-author

of The Smartest Guys in the Room

“Are we living in an era of YouTube-empowered, brand-rejecting

consumers? Rob Walker has the surprising answers, and you won’t

want to miss this joyride through the front lines of consumer

culture. A marketing must-read.”

–Chip Heath and Dan Heath, authors of Made to


“Rob Walker brilliantly deconstructs the religion of consumption.

Love his column, couldn’t put his book down.”

–Paco Underhill, author of Why We Buy




Rob Walker writes the weekly column “Consumed,” a blend of

business journalism and cultural anthropology, for The New York

Times Magazine. Previously, he created and wrote the popular

“Ad Report Card” column for Slate, and he has contributed to

a wide range of publications, from Fast Company and

Fortune to The New Republic and AdBusters.

Walker continues to write about the secret dialogue between what we

buy and who we are at his own website, Murketing.com. He lives in

Savannah, Georgia, with his wife, photographer Ellen Susan.






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“Fascinating … A compelling blend of cultural anthropology and business journalism.” — Andrea Sachs, Time Magazine

“An often startling tour of new cultural terrain.” — Laura Miller, Salon

“Marked by meticulous research and careful conclusions, this superbly readable book confirms New York Times journalist Walker as an expert on consumerism. … [A] thoughtful and unhurried investigation into consumerism that pushes the analysis to the maximum…” — Publisher’s Weekly ( starred review)

Brands are dead. Advertising no longer works. Weaned on TiVo, the Internet, and other emerging technologies, the short-attention-span generation has become immune to marketing. Consumers are “in control.” Or so we’re told.

In Buying In , New York Times Magazine “Consumed” columnist Rob Walker argues that this accepted wisdom misses a much more important and lasting cultural shift. As technology has created avenues for advertising anywhere and everywhere, people are embracing brands more than ever before–creating brands of their own and participating in marketing campaigns for their favorite brands in unprecedented ways. Increasingly, motivated consumers are pitching in to spread the gospel virally, whether by creating Internet video ads for Converse All Stars or becoming word-of-mouth “agents” touting products to friends and family on behalf of huge corporations. In the process, they–we–have begun to funnel cultural, political, and community activities through connections with brands.

Walker explores this changing cultural landscape–including a practice he calls “murketing,” blending the terms murky and marketing–by introducing us to the creative marketers, entrepreneurs, artists, and community organizers who have found a way to thrive within it. Using profiles of brands old and new, including Timberland, American Apparel, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Red Bull, iPod, and Livestrong, Walker demonstrates the ways in which buyers adopt products, not just as consumer choices, but as conscious expressions of their identities.

Part marketing primer, part work of cultural anthropology, Buying In reveals why now, more than ever, we are what we buy–and vice versa.

Praise for Buying In

“Walker … makes a startling claim: Far from being immune to advertising, as many people think, American consumers are increasingly active participants in the marketing process. … [He] leads readers through a series of lucid case studies to demonstrate that, in many cases, consumers actively participate in infusing a brand with meaning. … Convincing.” — Jay Dixit, The Washington Post

“Walker lays out his theory in well-written, entertaining detail.” — Seth Stevenson, Slate

“ Buying In delves into the attitudes of the global consumer in the age of plenty, and, well, we aren’t too pretty. Walker carries the reader on a frenetically paced tour of senseless consumption spanning from Viking ranges to custom high-tops.” — Robert Blinn, Core77

“Rob Walker is one smart shopper.” — Jen Trolio, ReadyMade

“The most trenchant psychoanalyst of our consumer selves is Rob Walker. This is a fresh and fascinating exploration of the places where material culture and identity intersect.”

–Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food

“This book has vast social implications, far beyond the fields of marketing and branding. It obliterates our old paradigm of companies (the bad guys) corrupting our children (the innocents) via commercials. In this new world, media-literate young people freely and willingly co-opt the brands, and most companies are clueless bystanders desperate to keep up. I really don't know if this is good news or bad news, but I can say, with certainty, that this book is a must-read.”

–Po Bronson, author of What Should I Do with My Life?

“Rob Walker is a gift. He shows that in our shattered, scattered world, powerful brands are existential, insinuating themselves into the human questions ‘What am I about?’ and ‘How do I connect?’ His insight that brand influence is becoming both more pervasive and more hidden–that we are not so self-defined as we like to think–should make us disturbed, and vigilant.”

–Jim Collins, author of Good to Great

“Rob Walker is a terrific writerwho understands both human nature and the business world. His book is highly entertaining, but it’s also a deeply thoughtful look at the ways in which marketing meets the modern psyche.”

–Bethany McLean, editor at large, Fortune , and co-author of The Smartest Guys in the Room

“Are we living in an era of YouTube-empowered, brand-rejecting consumers? Rob Walker has the surprising answers, and you won’t want to miss this joyride through the front lines of consumer culture. A marketing must-read.”

–Chip Heath and Dan Heath, authors of Made to Stick

“Rob Walker brilliantly deconstructs the religion of consumption. Love his column, couldn’t put his book down.”

–Paco Underhill, author of Why We Buy



































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